This page interprets the movements of the planets over the next two weeks.

Astrological Update on 3rd February 2025
For nearly a week from 3rd February, all of the planets are in one half of the zodiac from Aquarius to Cancer focussing attention of the nature of these signs. The planet at the start of this line up is Pluto in Aquarius while retrograde Mars in Cancer is bringing up the rear. These two planets are significant in bringing changes in the world, including greater efforts towards peace.
Jupiter is in Gemini and stationary from 3rd February until it goes direct on 5th of the month. The harmonious interaction of Jupiter with the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius could indicate greater determination to apply the multitude of ideas that are surfacing to the welfare of society. These ideas might be translated into practical action more easily in the weeks after Jupiter has established its direct motion.
A harmonious link from Venus at the beginning of Aries to Pluto in Aquarius is another indication of ventures that could be directed towards the benefit of groups or the community. The proximity of Venus to Neptune and the north node of the Moon at the end of Pisces suggests kindness and compassion may play a role along with the objectivity and impartiality of planets in Aquarius.
On 5th February, there could be tension between wanting to stick with what is known or traditional and wanting to change what no longer serves life. It might take a bit of effort to use logical thinking in practical matters. Learning from the past in order to create the future is one way to resolve the tension. This relates to the Moon being close to Uranus in Taurus and both heavenly bodies interacting with the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius.
Emotions might be near the surface when the Moon is close to retrograde Mars in Cancer on 9th February. However, feelings may be partly countered by the detachment of rational and objective thinking that can be associated with the Sun being close to Mercury in Aquarius. It might be an opportunity to think about what is being felt. This may enable a shift in the emotions or how they are expressed.
There is a full Moon in Leo, opposite the Sun in Aquarius on 12th February. At this time, the mind in the head, which includes thoughts and logical thinking, can be consciously integrated with the mind in the heart, the warmth and love coming from the higher self. Love is the soul lesson of Leo and love through brotherhood is the soul lesson of Aquarius.
At the time of the full Moon, Uranus in Taurus forms a tense interaction with both the Sun and the Moon. It might take a bit of effort to use the energy of this full Moon in practical matters but the effort to do so could be worthwhile. A deeper understanding of what is going might be gained by looking below the surface of events. Truth, sometimes hidden, may be revealed by persistent enquiry.
For a few hours on 15th February, the Moon is close to its south node in Virgo. The soul lesson of Virgo is service through wisdom. It can also be thought of as wisdom in service or the wisdom of service. In the past, humanity as learned much about both wisdom and service. This has been through trying to do things as well as was possible, often at a practical level.
With the north node of the Moon in the opposite sign of Pisces, humanity is now striving to integrate these qualities into a broader understanding of life, including a higher spiritual purpose. Qualities learned at the physical level of life are linked with the development of spiritual qualities including love, wisdom and truth.
As Neptune is close to the north node of the Moon in Pisces, the understanding of spirituality may transcend what has been previously known. New ways of expressing the spiritual facets of life may become more apparent. However, these will be explored diligently and thoroughly as Saturn is also currently in Pisces. Sensitivity and intuition may be playing a role while retrograde Mars in Cancer links with Saturn.
Thoughts may be more compassionate and inclusive of what is being felt both by self and others once Mercury moves into Pisces on 14th February. When combined with an understanding of fairness and justice associated with the Moon in Libra on 15th and 16th of the month, there is a greater potential for harmony between people.
Keep well, stay happy.
Patricia Godden
For nearly a week from 3rd February, all of the planets are in one half of the zodiac from Aquarius to Cancer focussing attention of the nature of these signs. The planet at the start of this line up is Pluto in Aquarius while retrograde Mars in Cancer is bringing up the rear. These two planets are significant in bringing changes in the world, including greater efforts towards peace.
Jupiter is in Gemini and stationary from 3rd February until it goes direct on 5th of the month. The harmonious interaction of Jupiter with the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius could indicate greater determination to apply the multitude of ideas that are surfacing to the welfare of society. These ideas might be translated into practical action more easily in the weeks after Jupiter has established its direct motion.
A harmonious link from Venus at the beginning of Aries to Pluto in Aquarius is another indication of ventures that could be directed towards the benefit of groups or the community. The proximity of Venus to Neptune and the north node of the Moon at the end of Pisces suggests kindness and compassion may play a role along with the objectivity and impartiality of planets in Aquarius.
On 5th February, there could be tension between wanting to stick with what is known or traditional and wanting to change what no longer serves life. It might take a bit of effort to use logical thinking in practical matters. Learning from the past in order to create the future is one way to resolve the tension. This relates to the Moon being close to Uranus in Taurus and both heavenly bodies interacting with the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius.
Emotions might be near the surface when the Moon is close to retrograde Mars in Cancer on 9th February. However, feelings may be partly countered by the detachment of rational and objective thinking that can be associated with the Sun being close to Mercury in Aquarius. It might be an opportunity to think about what is being felt. This may enable a shift in the emotions or how they are expressed.
There is a full Moon in Leo, opposite the Sun in Aquarius on 12th February. At this time, the mind in the head, which includes thoughts and logical thinking, can be consciously integrated with the mind in the heart, the warmth and love coming from the higher self. Love is the soul lesson of Leo and love through brotherhood is the soul lesson of Aquarius.
At the time of the full Moon, Uranus in Taurus forms a tense interaction with both the Sun and the Moon. It might take a bit of effort to use the energy of this full Moon in practical matters but the effort to do so could be worthwhile. A deeper understanding of what is going might be gained by looking below the surface of events. Truth, sometimes hidden, may be revealed by persistent enquiry.
For a few hours on 15th February, the Moon is close to its south node in Virgo. The soul lesson of Virgo is service through wisdom. It can also be thought of as wisdom in service or the wisdom of service. In the past, humanity as learned much about both wisdom and service. This has been through trying to do things as well as was possible, often at a practical level.
With the north node of the Moon in the opposite sign of Pisces, humanity is now striving to integrate these qualities into a broader understanding of life, including a higher spiritual purpose. Qualities learned at the physical level of life are linked with the development of spiritual qualities including love, wisdom and truth.
As Neptune is close to the north node of the Moon in Pisces, the understanding of spirituality may transcend what has been previously known. New ways of expressing the spiritual facets of life may become more apparent. However, these will be explored diligently and thoroughly as Saturn is also currently in Pisces. Sensitivity and intuition may be playing a role while retrograde Mars in Cancer links with Saturn.
Thoughts may be more compassionate and inclusive of what is being felt both by self and others once Mercury moves into Pisces on 14th February. When combined with an understanding of fairness and justice associated with the Moon in Libra on 15th and 16th of the month, there is a greater potential for harmony between people.
Keep well, stay happy.
Patricia Godden